Be a light in the darkness podcast
Revealing the Sons and Daughters of God...
Join us on this heroic journey as we illuminate what it means to be a light in the darkness--as revealed children of God. Join in the conversation as we explore our supernatural potential and foster a deeper understanding of the sacred oneness we all share.
The Enduring Mystery
Experience the revelation of the sons and daughters of God. A desire transcending religions, doctrinal and dogmatic boundaries:
The manifestation of the sons and daughters of God is what expedites the invasion of heaven on earth—when we are all enlightened in Christ. We will move beyond any boundaries that divide us. Take part in the conversations around stepping into our supernatural spiritual authority, meditation, contemplation, stillness and waiting on Yahweh.
Come experience the love of God, God’s call on your life and move beyond the ordinary to manifest the extraordinary life of a son or daughter of God. We invite you to be inspired and on fire with your divine purpose.
Meet the Hosts
Natchez Lee
Seeking Yahweh has been my life’s focus for many years. I have always been interested in being a friend of Yahweh. I grew up in the Pacific Northwest and spent a lot of time outdoors. I have always felt a close connection to divinity and holiness when outdoors.
I have been exploring for a few years now what does it mean to be revealed as a son of God. I do not have all the answers yet but I do know for the betterment of humanity each of us needs to do his or her own part to be revealed as a son or daughter of God.
I hope you will go on this journey with me and my wife as we explore how amazing walking with Yahweh can be and how we are doing our best to be revealed as a son and daughter of God.
Natchez Lee,
Host & Producer
Cindy Lee,
Host & Producer
Cindy Lee
I’m Cindy, one part of your podcast host team. A dog lover, with 3 dogs between us: a husky/wolf mix, a Scottish terrier pup, and a diminutive chihuahua.
I see God’s love and grace in all of creation--including in the natural landscapes and in the hearts of every human being.
My gift is seeing the light in people, even when it’s hard to--but light has a way of always shining. I also help guide divine women on personal pilgrimage journeys (and planning their outward journeys and travels as a travel curator).
Be a light in the darkness podcast
Be a Light
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Yahweh Breathing Course - Coming Soon!